Friday, February 3, 2012

Who are Rob0t Pirates?

"In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful"

Today is the 1st post of our blog. And as you read the title who are we then i will just give you intro of All 5 member of Team.

There are 5 members in "Rob0t Pirates"

i) Cfr
He is Programmer. Master in Visual basic, Assembly and know all kinds of server Attacks and major Defacer of Robot Pirates. He is the only defacer of Robot Pirates. He coded many hacking Software and really good in windows files system and dll injections.

ii) Cos b0t
He is master in PHP, delphi and Perl. He wrote many viruses and b0ts. He can also good in cracking Cpanels. Server rooting of Windows server is his specialty. He also coded some b0ts and scripts in php.

iii) Reaper Grim
SQL injection Master of Robot pirates. He can inject All kind of sql, Xml, html, joomla, word press injections and other kinds of injection. He mostly Attack Databases of important sites. And he also find many priva8 bugs.

iv) Dr Ninja
Spammer of Robot Pirates. He is Good in C, C++ and Ruby. He mostly work in Linux Server, Linux Server rooting, Accounts hacking, Viruses, Trojans and b0ts are his specialty. He is also have good skilles in Photoshop, Graphic and web development.

v) Zqor
Reverse Engineering is his main specialty. He Can Crack different kind of Software, games, files, Cracking Hashes and registry hacking. He is also good in assembly & Visual Basic.

That's all of us. Our Group start in 1st month of 2012. We are love to Break the security. That all our family. :P



(Arab Zone)



Game is n0t 0ver yet!