"In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful"
Crew : Robot Pirates
Tool : Robot Pirates Web Scanner
Greetz : Dr Trojan, Xtremist, Shadoow Khan & Hitcher
We Are : 3rr0rb0t(Ninja),Cb0t(Reaper), Cos & Zqor
We have Successfully Created the Robot Pirate Web Scanner. CFR_SCANNER Completed Successfully.. Now You can scan the specific web to check whether the web is SQL vulnerable or XSS Vulnerable.. Software Automatically fetches all the links of the webs.. And You can also Fetch the web list Automatically from the Google, Yahoo, etc and then scan all the webs to check SQL vulnerability and XSS Vulnerability.. Software also store the Webs in Database for backup or future purpose.. Regular Expression are also in it.. You can also change the SQL Inject code.. You can also change the Text to Hex, Hex to Text, And Text to SQL Code. Url Encoding and Decoding is also added.. It's take time but it's good one..
[#] Demo ~
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